As part of the Dreams Collection, Book two in the series titled Dreaming, expertly continues the rollercoaster of twists and turns, between...
Joanne Keele has been weaving words into stories since she was a child. From those early days filled with whimsical tales and vibrant characters sprung from her youthful mind, she nurtured a passion for writing that quietly simmered beneath the surface. Despite the wealth of narratives eagerly waiting to be brought to life, Joanne never took that brave step to put pen to paper for publication, until now. This marks a pivotal moment in her journey as she decides to share her stories with the world. With every word she writes, Joanne unravels tapestry of her imagination but also inspires others to embrace their own creative voices. Her decision to publish is not just about sharing tales; it is an invitation for others to embark on their own journeys of self-expression and discovery through storytelling. While her true name will remain a tantalising secret, as she firmly believes it adds an enchanting layer of mystery to her persona, Joanne resides in county of Cheshire. Here, she finds inspiration in the stunning landscapes. With an adventurous spirit, she loves to travel and explore with her husband, dog, and her closest friend. This close-knit circle accompanies her on these journeys and plays a pivotal role in shaping and developing the captivating stories that she now shares.
Joanne Keele has been weaving words into stories since she was a child. From those early days filled with whimsical tales and vibrant characters sprung from her youthful mind, she nurtured a passion for writing that quietly simmered beneath the surface. Despite the wealth of narratives eagerly waiting to be brought to life, Joanne never took that brave step to put pen to paper for publication, until now. This marks a pivotal moment in her journey as she decides to share her stories with the world. With every word she writes, Joanne unravels tapestry of her imagination but also inspires others to embrace their own creative voices. Her decision to publish is not just about sharing tales; it is an invitation for others to embark on their own journeys of self-expression and discovery through storytelling. While her true name will remain a tantalising secret, as she firmly believes it adds an enchanting layer of mystery to her persona, Joanne resides in county of Cheshire. Here, she finds inspiration in the stunning landscapes. With an adventurous spirit, she loves to travel and explore with her husband, dog, and her closest friend. This close-knit circle accompanies her on these journeys and plays a pivotal role in shaping and developing the captivating stories that she now shares.
As part of the Dreams Collection, Book two in the series titled Dreaming, expertly continues the rollercoaster of twists and turns, between dominance and power struggles which interweave with Love, and Hope. The aspirations create a captivating journey, that will entertain you with bursts of laughter, while cringing at the absurdities. Blood,...
Lorraine finds herself in a sticky situation by some light handed actions the outcome brings something that was deeply buried within her. The powerful situation stirs up a mixture of Love, Lust, Desire then mixes it up with Blood, Guts and a sprinkle of Fear which shakes the lives of everyone at Dreams Night Club. Jarvis and McMatters two allies...
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We have now added Google play books to our list for Ebooks and as an opening offer for the First 100 Customers can grab the Ebook for just 0.59p this is Available on both Dreams...
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As part of the Dreams Collection, Book two in the series titled Dreaming, expertly continues the rollercoaster of twists and turns, between dominance and power struggles...
Dreaming is Almost Here!
Book two in the Dreams Collection
Here is a sneak peak
'Dreaming' Taking readers on a rollercoaster ride filled with unexpected twists and turns. As the...
Well today I will be back up and writing, I had to briefly stop as I picked up a very nasty bug, I got to say it's been the worst bug I've had in a long time really knocked me for six. So soon as I was better I hot my jabs flu and covid jab same day, now they don't normally effect me but this one did. So another few days I just couldn't write.
I'm better first day was yesterday so i managed to visit my friend who is in hospital, hope she get better soon and today I am going to get stuck in...
Today 11th October and tomorrow you can get your hands on the ebook of Dreams for free through the KDP free days this goes live at 12am PT which is 8am UK time zone as we are still on BST till our clocks go back.
It's a good opportunity for everyone I'd love to hear thoughts on my book hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing the book.
I'd Love it if you contacted me share your thoughts on a book you never know you might get inside information